Activitats professionals: Associacions Sector Audiovisual
Adreça: Calle Vallseca 4
Codi Postal: 07012
Municipi: Palma
Illa: Mallorca
Telèfon: 656275994
INTERNATIONAL CASTING & ACTING NETWORK MALLORCA is a 2020 founded association of Balearic resident actors and international casting directors; we aim for the visibility of our local talents in this world and for enlarging our all professional network worldwide. ? I.CAN created the first open database for Balearic actors ? I.CAN hosts events such as panels, workshops and networking events for local actors with national and international film professionals- especially casting directors, directors, screenwriters, agents and producers. ? I.CAN collaborates with other like-minded companies/entities dedicated to film and filmmaking for interexchange of ideas and resources ?